What is a Leadership and Health Coach?

Do you ever collapse into bed exhausted then find you can’t switch off?

Are you working too many hours and feeling stuck with the demands of leadership?

Are you outwardly successful but inwardly struggling?

You’re not alone.


This was my life a few years ago. I had a lot on my plate.

I didn’t see it at the time though because I was in survival mode, running from one thing to the next.

Coaching is what equipped me to make big changes. It can, for you too.


About Me

I live in Manchester in the UK, with my husband and two children. I love wild swimming, growing veg and going on big long walks with my family.

For 11 years I ran a mediation and training consultancy, working with leaders and teams to transform conflict and have tough conversations. I closed this in 2020 to focus exclusively on coaching. It was work I loved, but I also had a young family and multiple other commitments and my body started to tell me No.

I developed a series of minor illnesses which were a wake-up call that something had to change. With the support of a coach I:


Enlisted more support and delegated more effectively


Put boundaries around my time


Made basic self-care a necessity, not an afterthought


Recovered my energy and became more focused and productive in my work

If this is the kind of transformation that you’re looking for, coaching can help you.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Why should you trust me? More about me…

For the past 20 years, all of my work has been about equipping others to change behaviour.

I started my career in leadership positions in a small environmental charity and then a business delivering conflict transformation training to universities and schools.

In 2009, I set up my own business, Peacebuilders, which I ran for 11 years. We equipped teams to communicate well during times of conflict and crisis. I saw the impact of stress on leaders and often coached them to change ingrained patterns of behaviour to connect more effectively with their teams.

I decided to pursue my longstanding passion for health and wellbeing in 2018 by training as a Functional Health Coach and then qualifying as a U.S National Board Certified Health Coach. Leadership and health coaching brings together behaviour change and wellbeing.

In 2021, I co-founded WELL Leaders alongside three other colleagues, with the vision to create communities of leaders who are committed to making health and wellness the foundation of their leadership.

Don’t just take my word for it though. Look at what my client Emma said:

“You were the first person to really listen to me and give me permission not to do the business. I don’t think I would have lost the weight if I’d stayed doing it. If you’d have told me three months ago that I would lose two stone and be starting a whole new career, I never would have believed you. I can’t quite believe it! I feel like I can face the future now.”

 Read more of Emma’s story here.


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