Jan 13, 2021 | Acceptance, Mental health, Self-care
Three tips for coping when life throws you a curveball Photo by Eduardo Balderas Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X This past week I’ve been asking myself about coping when life throws you a curveball. What are some tips for coping in those times when things...
Aug 31, 2020 | Learning, Mental health, overwhelm, Resilience, Self-care
Learn to say No and take back control Photo by Art Maltsev Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X Do you ever find yourself saying ‘Yes’ when you actually want to say ‘No’? Recognise yourself saying ‘Yes’ in any of these situations? The client or colleague who...
May 20, 2020 | Mental health, Stress
Protect your mental health while on Zoom Photo by Gabriel Benois Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X Flashback to November 2018 and I’d been using Zoom regularly for my health coach training as well as seeing clients. It was not unusual for me to come out of...
Apr 18, 2020 | COVID-19, Mental health, Self-care
When it’s OK not to be OK with this virus Danielle MacInnes Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X We are nearly 5 weeks into COVID-19 self-isolation / lockdown in my house and mercifully my daughter’s cough has finally got better. My children have been...